‘Take a Day Out’ of your busy schedule for a day of learning, fun, creativity and socialising with old and new friends. Two fantastic facilitators – Annette Burmeister (Therapeutic Horticulturalist and Educator) and Jo Mildenhall (Printmaker), will lead you through a series of interactive sessions to explore the therapeutic and creative power of gardens and nature. We hope you can join us for the third of our ‘Take A Day Out’ Wellness Retreats for 2024 – Let’s Go Potty With Plants and Prints!

Click here to download a copy of the flier: Wellness Retreat III: Let’s Go Potty With Plants and Prints! Wellness Retreat III: Let’s Go Potty With Plants and Prints

Venue    Mitcham Community Centre Old School Hall, 242 Belair Road, Lower Mitcham

Date      Tuesday 17 September, 2024

Time      9.30am – 4.00pm

Cost       City of Mitcham Residents & Cancer Care Centre Members – $50 (Actual value: $175.00)

                Non-Members – $65.00

Cost includes all tuition, materials, consumables, morning tea and light lunch. The cost of this Wellbeing Retreat is subsidised by a grant from the City of Mitcham and a generous bequest to the CCC from the Beinke family.

For more information about this Retreat and/or to register and pay via cash, EFT or credit card, please contact the Cancer Care Centre on (08) 8272 2411or email jenny@cancercarecentre.org.au.


9.30am Registration and refreshments

10.00     Welcome, Introductions and Setting the scene activity

10.30    Session 1: Create a Healing Potted Garden For Joy, Mindfulness and Wellbeing

At the beginning of this session Annette will explore the following topics:

  • What do we mean by ‘Therapeutic Horticulture’?
  • Therapeutic Horticulture as a growing Australian Industry.
  • How can Therapeutic Horticulture improve our health and wellbeing?

You will then start creating your own takeaway ‘healing potted garden’ containing edible flowers and herbs while at the same time learning about:

  • the horticultural skills involved with potting up plants.
  • the medicinal qualities of plants.
  • companion planting: and
  • planting to attract beneficial insects.

12.45    Lunch    

1.15     Session 2: Creating Prints From Nature
Did you know that you can use nature to create simple, yet stunning prints that capture the intricate beauty of plants and other natural objects? In this session you will explore the basics of nature printing – experimenting, observing, and creating beautiful prints right from nature. There are no rules—just the freedom to ‘go potty’ and print with wild abandon using a variety of techniques that Jo will share with you. At the end of this session you will have created your own artwork, or handmade card to adorn a wall, or give as a gift to someone special.

3.30      Retreat Evaluation & Closing Remarks

4.00pm Retreat Close


Annette Burmeister currently works at the Charles Darwin University as a Lecturer and  Coordinator of the Horticulture & Therapeutic Horticulture programs. She also works as a Horticultural Consultant/Therapist, Landscape Designer and Public Speaker in her specialist fields of expertise. 


Jo Mildenhall is a highly experienced contemporary printmaker based in Adelaide. Her work is deeply rooted in a connection with nature, memory and visceral experience. Her work is based in the medium of printmaking and explores multiple techniques and processes that manifest in beautiful prints and installations.