There are so many ways you can help your Centre and ensure that its vital support to South Australians affected by cancer continues.

In this issue we discuss ‘people resources’. In future issues we will discuss other ways – both financial and non-financial such as …

Introducing a friend

In this day and age the majority of us know someone who has been affected by cancer.

Why not mention the Cancer Care Centre to them and encourage them to drop in or to give us a ring?

We can forward additional copies of Healthy Living to hand out which will provide the information and inspiration they need to seek our support and that of other cancer patients and family members.

Family members taking advantage of our services

Membership of the Cancer Care Centre is family based. This means that members of your family (or your carer) can take advantage of our facilities (e.g. to have a massage, attend a workshop, speak to a counsellor) for the same price as the person named on the membership card.

This benefits you and the family member/carer through sharing the journey and developing an understanding of the emotional and physical issues faced.


We are often looking for volunteer staff to help in so many ways … from support workers, to administration work, to fundraising/promotional work.

Most volunteers support the Centre for one morning or afternoon a week, others volunteer one full day. It’s up to you and we will match your needs and times with our requirements to achieve a beneficial outcome for all.

If you have some spare time and would like to know more about volunteering, contact our Manager on (08) 8272 2411 during office hours.