Few of us are taught how to meditate. This meditation course will lead you through a process and help you reclaim what you have always wanted for yourself. It can help you find your creativity and courage, and help you allow deep healing and relaxation.

Learn techniques for focusing and breathing, guided visualisation, healing body, chakra and mantra work.

Meditation helps us to ‘put the brakes on’ what`s not working and redirects us to what does. Sometimes simply incurring less stress is the answer. Less eating the wrong foods, better circulation through the internal organs, better digestion and hormonal balance – these are just some of the things meditation can do for you.

It is also a direct line to the universe – try asking for what you want! What we all want is to connect with others and with our own soul.

It is recommended to practise meditation with a group when on a healing pathway, as this can boost the positives and you learn how to create the time and space for deeper awareness. Awareness brings inner change, then outer change.

Check in with your heart, love and patience never fails!

Lisa Semann, Meditation Teacher

See our Program page for details on the Centre’s meditation courses.